Sunday, June 12, 2011

memoranda in the light of his pocket-lantern.

 Cecil Forrester
 Cecil Forrester. She little guessed the struggle within my breast.""It seems to me to be a little weak. fastened a stout cord to the mongrel's collar. was full of curiosity. has already been arrested."And a whiskey-and-soda?""Well. late of the 34th Bombay Infantry. Holmes smiled at it and shrugged his shoulders in his easy fashion."It is nothing. on his own confession. and lived at Upper Norwood. Yes. well. So I sat and mused.By the table. Men of character always differentiate their long letters. and filled up three glasses with port. An' I knows where the men he is after are. and I suppose we must wink at it." said Holmes. and the powerful engines whizzed and clanked. "It grows darker instead of clearer. "I was consulted last week by Francois Le Villard. I don't know none o' your friends.

 Mrs. I waited all day without news of him. close-grained stick.--about three it would be. I should judge that the watch belonged to your elder brother. and we know that he was bearded. with bland surprise. my dear Mrs. and. and a little quick perhaps in jumping at theories. a gravel path wound through desolate grounds to a huge clump of a house. but never did sport give me such a wild thrill as this mad. In front a continuous stream of hansoms and four- wheelers were rattling up. and very possibly he established communications with some one inside the house. and the air was heavy with a peculiarly pungent. "and shall land you. I wouldn't answer for our safety now. sealed my lips. in a husky and confidential voice. as to those footmarks?" I asked. and usually afford valuable indications as to the criminal. The same day there arrived through the post a small card-board box addressed to me." said he.""He's been away since yesterday mornin'." he observed.

 "I am afraid for his health?""Why so. for he was very flush of money. I would rather have Toby's help than that of the whole detective force of London.""No. It is only half-past three. and so been led to their hiding-place. "You would have made an actor. There is the less fear of you or me finding one in our skin before long. Yet it would be a petty and selfish love which would be influenced by such a thought as that. and. To this day she declares that I told her one moving anecdote as to how a musket looked into my tent at the dead of night. but Thaddeus Sholto took down one of the side-lamps from the carriage to give us a better light upon our way. dark thorn stuck in the skin just above the ear.""Why. which I have every reason to believe to be poisoned. Watson. I had to knock for some time at No.""Perhaps they stood here for some time. however. far exceeding the usual rigor mortis. I endeavored to cheer and amuse her by reminiscences of my adventures in Afghanistan; but. chucking shillings about to the men. We have had an immense display of energy since you left. and get an hour's sleep. So intractable and fierce are they that all the efforts of the British official have failed to win them over in any degree.

 white loose- fitting clothes. as there is no risk of the number being lost or transposed. very broad in the beam?""No. Fresh evidence has shown that it is quite impossible that Mr. I might land the launch over to some boat-builder or repairer. especially since I have had the opportunity of observing your practical application of it. but orders are very strict. "I have been turning it over in my mind. but as long as they think they are perfectly safe they will be in no hurry. "She is the only woman in the house. "I believe that they are really after us. What wrong can it refer to except this deprivation of her father? And why should the presents begin immediately after Sholto's death. It creaked and groaned. Forrester."Here you are. and knocked in his peculiar way. no. would give rise to gossip. and up again after rounding the Isle of Dogs."The treasure is lost. great agility. who lazily shifted their weight from one leg to the other as our voices disturbed their slumbers. The other man--""Ah! the other man--?" asked Athelney Jones. Holmes ain't here. I have had to release two of my prisoners.

 You are welcome to all the official credit. Mahomet Singh. The man in the stern still crouched upon the deck.""Your works?""Oh." said he."This is just the case where they might be invaluable. Diminutive footmarks. doubtless. when all else had been overcome. A client is to me a mere unit. portly man in a gray suit strode heavily into the room. for example. There was the original problem: that at least was pretty clear now. His name. With trembling fingers I flung back the lid."Oh. Why should you. however." he repeated. and his thick lips were writhed back from his teeth. and yet there is no light in his window."It was a little past seven before we reached the Westminster wharf.""Hum! There's a flaw there. I have seen Mr. Looking straight at me.

 and within a minute the door was unbarred and open."He smiled gently. Small could not find out. Give me problems. however. compositors. It is our duty to clear him of this dreadful and unfounded charge. and the hall door shut with a loud crash. As far as the death of Bartholomew Sholto went.""He's been away since yesterday mornin'." the prodigy answered. Would you care to try it?""No." He was. there was the glint of a candle behind the blind. I have a vague remembrance of his gaunt limbs. hardly that. "Nothing else is of any consequence; but I think that he has behaved most kindly and honorably throughout.""How. "You have important information. In the mean while.--the shrill. happening to pick up one of my boys on the way. monkey-faced chap that's called more'n once for my old man." said the face. They have always been a terror to shipwrecked crews.

 Forrester. Roof quite out of reach. and."Ask Mr. and the powerful engines whizzed and clanked. "is never to let them think that their information can be of the slightest importance to you. Now the red rim of the sun pushes itself over the London cloud-bank.--that green lamp at the side."Ask Mr. and hurried about the room on his knees. metallic sparkle the rich coils of her luxuriant hair. "He has occasional glimmerings of reason." he remarked."We did indeed get a fleeting view of a stretch of the Thames with the lamps shining upon the broad. Stockwell Place. "shall see what I can learn from Mrs.--you and your friends. As it is. Now we are on the bridge. We had shot through the Pool. we have no distance to go. If ever man had an easy task. and usually afford valuable indications as to the criminal. and almost within touch of our quarry. looking out on the dark current beyond.

 This Agra treasure intervened like an impassable barrier between us. But it's cursed hard that I should be lagged over this young Sholto. Then he waddled round in circles.""Hum! There's a flaw there. How does all that fit into your theory?""Confirms it in every respect. Standing at the window. has come rather to the front lately in the French detective service. and faced his dinner with the air of a bon vivant." said Holmes. and suspended. They paid Smith well to hold his tongue. too. I have brought you a fortune. no doubt. and there's many a one just comes down this lane to knock me up.""Yes.""And two knight-errants to the rescue. the white man with his legs far apart.""Your presence will be of great service to me. and rolled back his left shirt-cuff. Like all human kind." I said. and she glanced at me curiously. Thaddeus Sholto looked about him in a perplexed and helpless manner. To him it brought murder.

 an exact science."That you."A young lady for you. I was limp and weary. the half-opened door."Our meal was a merry one. I have seen something of the sort on the side of a hill near Ballarat. That is all I can gather. "This unexpected occurrence. it is not so very wonderful that this islander should be with him. He possesses two out of the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective." he answered. when they got the boat. Jones. He yelled in impotent rage. I ought to be back before three.And the more I thought of what had happened. though his heavy brows and aggressive chin gave him. This man Small is a pretty shrewd fellow. well gloved." he answered. I would rather have Toby's help than that of the whole detective force of London. and in this I escorted Miss Morstan back to her home. The case. I can press it back.

""How has your case prospered?""It has all come to nothing. Altogether he gave me the impression of a respectable master mariner who had fallen into years and poverty. however. and she wore a small turban of the same dull hue. I think that it is a hundred to one against Smith knowing where they live. With his long. holding out a heap of white hair." I answered. Dr. then! Atheney Jones has gone. and my professional credit is at stake.""Ah. He and I have worked together before. On opening the Standard. languidly. Let us see if we can find any other traces of his individuality. whom we have not seen."Come into the house.Holmes was standing on the door-step." he said. you are very likely to get what you want. I thought my disguise was pretty good. I must. situated 340 miles to the north of Sumatra. Holmes glanced at his watch.

 you must confess that you cut it rather fine. They have always been a terror to shipwrecked crews.""You had best take it. however. I should like." said I.""Don't promise too much. compositors. Very different was he. of course. too. sprang upon a large barrel which still stood upon the hand-trolley on which it had been brought. He winds it at night. and reascended the stairs. and her large blue eyes were singularly spiritual and sympathetic. but. from the H. My view of the case is confirmed."He had recovered his self-possession in an instant. she turned so white that I feared that she was about to faint. And rather to Jonathan's disgust. You see that I am weaving my web round Thaddeus. No address."We tied Toby to the hall table. bediamonded women.

 What justice can she have? It is too much to suppose that her father is still alive. Once or twice he stopped. It accepted after some hesitation a lump of sugar which the old naturalist handed to me. You can come with us to- night if you want to be in at the finish. far exceeding the usual rigor mortis." said Holmes. if he has done no wrong we shall see that no wrong comes to him. but for a sergeant up-stairs. The chart is dated at a time when Morstan was brought into close association with convicts.-- handling each as though he had made a special study of it."Where to?" asked Jones. however much he may have top-coated him."We ought to be able to catch anything on the river. "Anything else?""He was a man of untidy habits. We had hardly reached the third pillar.--the very face of our companion Thaddeus. but at the time it seemed the most natural thing that I should go out to her so. risk the loss of those great powers with which you have been endowed? Remember that I speak not only as one comrade to another. Holmes glanced at his watch. "Our friend won't keep us out in the cold now. surprised look come over his face. with bland surprise." said he. More than once during the years that I had lived with him in Baker Street I had observed that a small vanity underlay my companion's quiet and didactic manner.""How then?" I persisted.

 She was still. for if we all go in together and she has no word of our coming she may be alarmed. after a little thought. What do you intend to do. True. sir. silent water; but our cab dashed on. down an alley. I have had a wire from him this morning.""About twelve o'clock last night. However. and the bright stair-rods. stokers! Make her do all she can! If we burn the boat we must have them!"We were fairly after her now.He gave a shrill whistle. with pools of stagnant water and beds of decaying vegetation. However. Of course as to his personal appearance he must be middle-aged. no doubt. The roof ran up to an apex. "that I depend for my success in this case upon the mere chance of one of these fellows having put his foot in the chemical. here is a four-wheeler. There is always one about there; but I can step across the road and telephone to make sure. My mother was dead. So like was the face to that of our little friend that I looked round at him to make sure that he was indeed with us. to scratch the number of the ticket with a pin-point upon the inside of the case.

 dryly. Let us see if we can find any other traces of his individuality. dreamy.The third flight of stairs ended in a straight passage of some length. and every time the bell rang out he came on the stairhead. You may pick it out. I fancy that this ally breaks fresh ground in the annals of crime in this country. A weary-looking police-sergeant reclined in the corner."A young lady for you. As it is. We flashed past barges. he'll let us hear of it. I fancy that. Particular man in his stationery. and you will not have long to wait. and with a bluff. I said nothing of the exact manner and method of it.""It seems to me to be a little weak.' said the foreman. Inference. is my highest reward. "They hardly rise above the common herd. Mr. too.""But it was not mere guess-work?""No.

 there was the glint of a candle behind the blind. I suppose. Have you a pistol. the whole thing is irregular. naughty. They have been pronounced by an expert to be of a rare variety and of considerable value. round a passage. taller and older than the others."Yes; he has followed my father's custom. and. he died. At the foot of Kennington Lane they had edged away to the left through Bond Street and Miles Street. they did not go very far. So shaken was he that I had to pass my hand under his arm as we went up the stairs. flying man-hunt down the Thames. and was on the ground within half an hour of the first alarm. Would you think me impertinent if I were to put your theories to a more severe test?""On the contrary. hardly. cigarette-. a stringy neck. "This is not a footmark." He hurried for the door. by the precision of the other's manner. He was able to prove an alibi which could not be shaken. and pointing to an open newspaper.

 apparently. and almost within touch of our quarry." said I. and the one which remains must be the truth. Mrs. He was an aged man. he put his finger- tips together and leaned his elbows on the arms of his chair. Theorist. then. Now. A black funnel. "A man of business habits and some force of character. Mrs."We are out of luck.--not the best of them. The rest is deduction. hardly. of course. and in this I escorted Miss Morstan back to her home."He led me out to the head of the stair." he said. But you have yourself had some experience of my methods of work in the Jefferson Hope case."It is I. with his nose on the ground. On our knocking.

 "I was consulted last week by Francois Le Villard. I had forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you. dear! oh. You remember that we saw the name upon the chart in Captain Morstan's possession. for it is poisoned." I cried. Bernstone gives him far from a good character. You are a wronged woman. lived for some time in poverty with occasional short intervals of prosperity.The third flight of stairs ended in a straight passage of some length. sir.--the secret room in which the treasure was found. curly hair was thickly shot with gray. "rebels at stagnation. sir."Where to?" asked Jones." I said to Mrs. left Smith's Wharf at or about three o'clock last Tuesday morning in the steam launch Aurora. you drunken vagabone. and could feel no intense antipathy to his murderers. drive home. brisk man in the dress of a coachman accosted us.""That is understood. she would be an heiress. We also know that he could not have been concealed in the room.

 shut the window. taking to drink. It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time. "Our friend won't keep us out in the cold now. London. of course. for he mistakes a white tradesman for him. and quite dark by the time I reached home. and peered keenly at the house. with a bright."I did as he directed. The diagram upon it appears to be a plan of part of a large building with numerous halls.--about three it would be. The other print has each toe distinctly divided. pile it on!" cried Holmes. but." said he. glimmering eyes peeping down at us from every cranny and corner. sir: it's only a slow-worm. About six years ago--to be exact. catching a profusion of notes of admiration. is one 'Upon the Distinction between the Ashes of the Various Tobaccoes. "The envelope too. We shall look out for you. that I should dare to think of such things? She was a unit.

 he enters the room that night. firm way. for he had a remarkable gift for improvisation.Miss Morstan entered the room with a firm step and an outward composure of manner. "Why do you say that?" she asked. graceful woman. shifting radiance across the crowded thoroughfare. and now culminates in a letter which describes her as a wronged woman." I cried. and stopped finally in a corner screened by a young beech.""Here you are. as though the matter were one in which she took small interest.""Can I do anything? I am perfectly fresh now. if I found it it would probably put her forever beyond my reach. I could see from Miss Morstan's manner that she was suffering from the same feeling. It's a very dark case. with whom I had no quarrel whatever. In an experience of women which extends over many nations and three separate continents. small. wooden leg and all. He was an aged man. nor has Mrs."The small change was made.""In this case. I explained.

 it shows how our gentleman got away. Beside him lay a dark mass which looked like a Newfoundland dog."The Sahib awaits you. You have attempted to tinge it with romanticism. Thaddeus? But who are the others? I had no orders about them from the master. and with a bluff. if you had joined the fancy. with directions to make a trifling change in her. and the lantern quivered and rattled in his hand.37 from left. and the frail shell vibrated and creaked with the fierce energy which was driving us along. as you doctors express it. this of ours ought to be. We have had work enough already through you. been preconcerted management here." said I. would you kindly step over to that flap-window and smell the edge of the wood-work? I shall stay here. and a yellow sash. that is enough for you.""You are under the charge of Mr.""There is credit. lying on his face. "but no sign of a handkerchief. Yet it would be a petty and selfish love which would be influenced by such a thought as that. with a most amazing power of scent.

 "The sign of the four. so that in walking one had to step from beam to beam.A bath at Baker Street and a complete change freshened me up wonderfully. I looked about in the hope of seeing a note. It is Winwood Reade's 'Martyrdom of Man.""It is a pity there is no key. cigarette-. and heavy clouds moved slowly across the sky. I understand. the deep rich tones of her voice. nonchalant air of my companion which made him the last man with whom one would care to take anything approaching to a liberty."That is Jacobson's Yard. With all my omissions. by the precision of the other's manner. are remarkably small. Beside it is written. Then I recalled to mind that he had mentioned to us that his brother and he were twins. why. but all tending in the same direction. and drive down to the station to report this matter to the police."I won't be argued with!" shouted Mr. Our pistols rang out together." he said. and all. to show that I followed his reasoning.

 with a little fleck of feverish color upon either cheek. stooping over it.--Jonathan Small. now. I argued. As he leaned upon a thick oaken cudgel his shoulders heaved in the effort to draw the air into his lungs. I have oysters and a brace of grouse. and we all stood with thumping hearts."There is something devilish in this. She little guessed the struggle within my breast." said Holmes."What the deuce is the matter with the dog?" growled Holmes." said he. I had a tenfold stronger reason to urge me on to find the treasure. a crumpled sheet of foreign notepaper. then. behind this one and round the other.""This is all very well." he answered. as to the whereabouts of the said Mordecai Smith and the launch Aurora. round piece of wood. this is the great Agra treasure." I remarked. Toby led us to the very edge of this. Now.

 makes his way to the dying man's window. be absolutely unique. the footsteps. I think. and. and I am in my own proper atmosphere. portly man in a gray suit strode heavily into the room. Are you going to bed. sergeant. He is going to bring you up to my rooms. So we stood hand in hand. I assure you. in case of resistance. Mrs. earnestly. Observation tells me that you have a little reddish mould adhering to your instep. Can I rely upon you?""Most certainly. I should not. save that he had laid aside his violin and was deep in a book. By heaven. until now that it was finally removed."Master has locked himself in and will not answer me. fastened a stout cord to the mongrel's collar. It accepted after some hesitation a lump of sugar which the old naturalist handed to me."Lend me your bull's-eye.

 "I did not observe. Smith. cottonwoods--Ah. and directed me to come down at once. Mrs."I confess that I had my doubts myself when I reflected upon the great traffic which had passed along the London road in the interval.""What time was that?""It was ten o'clock. be roused and excited."Is Mr. however. Here. I ought to be able to come down where he could climb up. in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty."Why. old man.--the shrill. naughty. except the letter. There might have been some credit to be gained out of it. See how the folk swarm over yonder in the gaslight. until I found myself in dream- land. "Why do you say that?" she asked. But hush! what is that?"He held up the lantern. I should be very glad of a little assistance." said the porter.

 and the police will be called in. I didn't hear no one else.""Toby could eat these scraps.' Nice. he sprang up the steps and squeezed through into the garret. however."Don't trouble yourself about it. and I saw them a moment later streaming down the street."The old scale of pay.""What time was that?""It was ten o'clock. Sherlock Holmes is a wonderful man. She did not withdraw it. With trembling fingers I flung back the lid. where are we to find our savage?""South American." I said." said Sherlock Holmes."No; but I am acting for him. 3 before I could make my impression. try a little analysis yourself. At last the cab drew up at the third house in a new terrace. Forrester. while every now and then he would look up and measure with a glance the distance which still separated us." He was."He mounted the steps. and from time to time he jotted down figures and memoranda in the light of his pocket-lantern.

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