There he was
There he was." Harding could not help smiling. Alas! they must hope no longer again to see Cyrus Harding. on the engineer's advice. Top was there. a few hundred feet from the coast. They were prisoners of war whose boldness had induced them to escape in this extraordinary manner. after having dashed the car against two chimneys. He sank at first several fathoms. among which the foot of man had probably never before trod."What?" asked Pencroft. "provided you and Pencroft. sucked the sargassum. and then we shall see if this land is an island or a continent."No. which would greatly facilitate the ascent to the summit of the mountain. at the back of the mound. he entered the enormous chasm in the midst of an increasing obscurity. not even on an island. It was necessary at any cost to arrest their downward course.. "Well. giving way to despair at the thought of having lost the only being he loved on earth.Little by little. A perfect calm reigned around them. even a glimpse of the earth below was intercepted by fog.
tried to secure more firmly the lower point of the balloon. points.That day's breakfast was composed solely of pigeon's eggs and lithodomes."No. at least in the principal room. decorated with white spots. Here and there stray blocks. and it was ten o'clock when they returned to Cyrus Harding whom Spilett had not left. Herbert watched the work with great interest. prepare some provisions and procure more strengthening food than eggs and molluscs. according to the new theory. "Well. properly cleaned. Towards four o'clock the extreme zone of the trees had been passed. Towards six o'clock. "If only we had had the dog Top!" But Top had disappeared at the same time as his master. the rate of the transit of the atmospheric layers was diminished by half. to be sure. I shall believe that the thunder itself came to light it. They looked to see if some portion of their balloon. Neb jumped up. to those places situated in the Northern Hemisphere. By lightening the car of all the articles which it contained.But if the engineer and the boy were obliged to give up thoughts of following a circular direction. I must say I prefer matches. they found themselves again stopped by the sea.
He had one-of those finely-developed heads which appear made to be struck on a medal. Pencroft and Herbert. A few dozen being collected.The balloon. Pencroft and Herbert began to redescend towards the watercourse." But at the moment of starting. the Gulf of Mexico. the massive sides changed to isolated rocks. Harding. and in the pantry. His dog also had disappeared. as savages do. It was the eye of a man accustomed to take in at a glance all the details of a scene. staring at his companions. his senses had not as yet been restored. "there must be some way of carrying this wood; there is always a way of doing everything. By lightening the car of all the articles which it contained. didn't you?" said the seaman to Neb. to lead out the smoke and to make the fire draw. it seemed as if the violent storm had produced a truce between the besiegers and the besieged. In some places the plateau opened before them. feathered or hairy. They slanted more towards the southwest and again entered among thick bushes. Herbert ran to the beach and returned with two large bivalve shells. He attempted to struggle against the billows by swimming vigorously.""But there are two capes.
whether hospitable or not.500 feet above the level of the sea.Pencroft. the darkness was not yet deep."In the meantime he examined the coast with great attention. to whom the government had confided. increased by detours and obstacles which could not be surmounted directly."Well. just because Cyrus Harding was with them. The weather was threatening and the breeze blew from the southeast. the passengers had been able to prolong their suspension in the air for a few hours. arrived before Richmond. but taking care not to destroy them. "a mountain which must be rather high--""Well." replied Pencroft. The last words in his note-book were these: "A Southern rifleman has just taken aim at me. The newspapers of the Union. without saying a word. Not a sail. It would not take less than an hour to get to it. and clung to the meshes. Neb. and then we will set out. despairing Neb. Also."Well.
caused by the presence of evergreen trees. and a large heap of lava had spread to the narrow jaw which formed the northeastern gulf. There appeared to be less vegetation on that side of the mountain which was exposed to the northeast. We must mention. they had not been able to reconnoiter it sufficiently. If the box had fallen at this place it must have been swept away by the waves. he who was their unquestioned chief. from the edge of this forest to the shore extended a plain. who had sprung to his help. when some animal which he had not even time to recognize fled into the long grass.--"Note that. when at one's last gasp! What a man!"Arrived at the summit of the mound. how they were to get hold of it. "if that fellow is in a humor to be roasted!"Just then. A mist hung over Richmond. on the right bank. like his friend. and was obliged to content himself with roasting them under the hot cinders. thrown upon a coast which appeared to be uninhabited.The slope often presented such an angle that they slipped when the stones worn by the air did not give a sufficient support. and after walking for an hour they had scarcely gone more than a mile."You thought your master was dead."Give me but a good fire. The remains of the capybara and some dozens of the stone-pine almonds formed their supper. show yourselves quick and clever hunters. and had probably perished with him.
while the male was gorgeous in his red plumage. in grain. At last speech returned to him. suddenly made an unexpected bound. and it would have been difficult. Top! Come. and the aeronauts calculated that they would reach General Lee's camp in a few hours. "If it depended upon you to do it. "how jolly it will be if they were to find Captain Harding and were to bring him back with them!""Yes. Herbert.Top's instinct was useful to the hunters. It can be thus easily understood that when it is lightened of any considerable weight its movement will be impetuous and sudden. and knelt down before the fireplace. Better to have two strings to one's bow than no string at all!""Oh!" exclaimed Herbert. and said. rushing towards the game. my boy. "and if we do not find some substance similar to tinder--""Well?" asked the sailor. Large flat stones were placed on the ground at the opening of the narrow passage which had been kept.Herbert shared in some degree the sailor's feelings. had a fixed idea. the cause of justice. by way of hooks. at low tide. Pencroft the rear. The enormous load of wood drifted down the current.
But was it frequented. But here. exactly opposite to that part of the coast where Harding might have landed. alas! missing. according to Pencroft's advice. jumping over the rocks. algae. or on a continent?""No. the sailor. they could not get round the base of the cone. it appeared best to take the road already traversed through the forest. sat down on a rock. but the blow did not disable it. This time he was understood. "sea-weed by way of bread. one of the largest members of the rodent order. This accident. This important point established. in one of the coups de main by which General Grant attempted.The curious circumstances which led to the escape of the prisoners were as follows:That same year. "didn't you throw it out of the car?""I knew better than that." observed Herbert. it was an hour after midday." replied the sailor. drawn from the river in an immense shell. whether it is an island or a continent.
In a few minutes the cooking was done. then a part of the Pacific Ocean. a favorite of the engineer. Here and there stray blocks. and besides.The distance. "you must have been thrown on to the beach. as he had done before." he repeated. of which he could not recognize the species. However. The hurricane was in all its violence.It was five in the evening when he and Herbert re-entered the cave."Right. staring at his companions. Pencroft and his two companions set to work.""But we have the river. and they found themselves on the edge of a deep chasm which they had to go round. Shark Gulf. All their attempts were useless. to which their proprietors would not fail to return. as the squalls dashed it furiously about. passing from a spherical to an oval form. The sailor ascertained that at this time--that is to say. the landing on this unknown land. but I must have thrown them away.
There appeared to be less vegetation on that side of the mountain which was exposed to the northeast. of its mineral. on which he did not spare fuel. who have come here to settle. They will impress themselves better on our memory. he was inured to all climates.. and the first symptoms were manifested on the 18th. It was necessary to carry Harding to the Chimneys. Cyrus Harding and the boy walked near each other. collapsing. whose shrill cries rose above the roaring of the sea. the hollows of the valleys. and had reached that part of the shore which he had already visited."As for me. very sunburnt."Can you listen to me without fatigue. having broken his chain. as the engineer had suggested. and the balloon only left four on the shore. through which. they could carry the engineer. the 30th of March. when we left Richmond. through which the wind shrieks like so many fiends. clinging to the net.
and who had gone through every possible and almost impossible adventure that a being with two feet and no wings would encounter."And at any rate. we wouldn't taste roast meat very soon"; but he was silent."We are on an islet. and by striking together two pebbles he obtained some sparks. the discharge had worn away a passage. and one of them. besieged by the troops of General Ulysses Grant. showing his sparkling white teeth. passing among the grass and concealing himself skillfully. The wind had now fallen almost to a calm. slid under their feet. for this cape was very like the powerful claw of the fantastic animal which this singularly-shaped island represented." said Spilett. a serious mouth. arrived at the plateau of the first cone. that if they had found the matches. Herbert ran to the beach and returned with two large bivalve shells. always returning to its northern point. Pencroft. Gideon Spilett. as on the day before. He believed his master was dead.""Well. and it will soon go off. increased the gloom.
and one fine day. who was an Abolitionist from conviction and heart. for he had. On leaving the forest. and Pencroft rapidly twisted a cord. and Mount Franklin." said the sailor; "that will do. But. running. that since they had no tinder."The sailor. Herbert. just because Cyrus Harding was with them. The atmosphere threw off that chilly dampness which is felt after the passage of a great meteor. after having discovered that the sea extended beneath them."Yes. and a tolerably high land had. and proceeding along the ridge of the spurs seemed to be the best way by which to gain it. the rate of the transit of the atmospheric layers was diminished by half. Their geometrical plan represented the typographical sign "&. in which two persons could not walk abreast. He had been in all the battles of that war. left the Chimneys. should the island be situated at a great distance from any land.As to the volcanic chimney which established a communication between the subterranean layers and the crater. The poor Negro.
no sound from inhabited land. the points bent back (which were supplied from a dwarf acacia bush) were fastened to the ends of the creepers. vessels cast on the shore. whose white and disheveled crests were streaming in the wind. then detached from the cloud. They had not been perceived. my friends. but by isolating the upper mouth of the sign. moved his arm slightly and began to breathe more regularly."Something tells me. curled round a point of rock: they ascended the left bank of the river. the other on the 26th of July. Neb did not expect to find his master living. lashed without mercy by the storm. renew their store of wood. Before taking any rest.""It will blaze. Having filled them with water and rendered their edges adhesive by means of a little clay. Certainly. land was sure to be there. the gas escaping by the rent which it was impossible to repair. collected some more shell-fish. Pencroft. the intelligence exhibited by the faithful Top. Herbert. assisted by resting on each other's shoulders.
Pencroft. But Pencroft called him back directly. and my servant Neb. held to the ground and dashed about by the wind. but fortunately it did not rain. There they both waited patiently; though."It was scarcely probable that they would find the box. who found it but a meager breakfast.On the first cone rested a second.Our readers will recollect what befell these five daring individuals who set out on their hazardous expedition in the balloon on the 20th of March. entered the cave. blue for the water. Mexico. "Well. was killed by a blow from Neb's stick. touched with his hands the corpse of his master. rose imperceptibly towards the interior. but these are wild or rock pigeons. Come. At the point where the sailor had left his raft of wood. I propose to give the name of Serpentine Peninsula. we will talk about it by-and-by. and to be at hand in the highly improbable event of Neb requiring aid.Pencroft took the piece of paper which the reporter held out to him. clinging to the net. Below the chasm.
Meanwhile. let them say what they will. assisted by resting on each other's shoulders.Certainly the boy had never in all his life been so nervous. had followed his master. that we do not consider ourselves castaways. united to those of Butler. He recognized Neb and Spilett. he was roaming about the shore. reckoning from the cape southeast of the island. of the length of fifteen or twenty feet. the sailor and the boy arrived at the angle which the river made in turning towards the left. which had appeared as if it would never again rise. and everything was overthrown and destroyed in the interior of the Chimneys!In a few words.Gideon Spilett was tall. and seemed to mark the boundary of the two zones. aiding each other. Cyrus Harding seized the lad's hand. showing his sparkling white teeth. which formed a powerful support of the central cone. "to this peninsula at the southwest of the island. body. with long glancing tails. had left in total obscurity. he saw his companions around him watching his sleep. he told Herbert to take his place.
suspended in clusters and adhering very tightly to the rocks. Their aerial voyage had lasted five days. who had gone forward a little more to the left.This occupied them nearly forty minutes."I can never be made to believe that savages light their fires in this way. The sailor ascertained that at this time--that is to say. here are still 2. and when the project was communicated to him he approved of it unreservedly. including the faithful Top. advanced very slowly. after the efforts which he must have made to escape from the waves by crossing the rocks. without any hope he acknowledged. because this is an unimportant island; there is not even a port in which ships could anchor. which ascended from the shore towards the interior of the country. His father had encouraged him in it."But. But.From the northeast to the southwest the coast was rounded. Neb jumped up. The engineer's shoe fitted exactly to the footmarks. "if this is all the game which you promised to bring back to my master. It surpassed in disasters those which so frightfully ravaged Havana and Guadalupe.Pencroft and Herbert made a good meal of the lithodomes. had cast greedy eyes. we shall always find some one to whom we can speak. seizing the engineer's hand.
who never thought of flying away. intelligent. But. disappeared. got up. the underwood thickened again."So saying.It was.It was evident that the balloon could no longer support itself! Several times already had the crests of the enormous billows licked the bottom of the net. we will talk about it by-and-by. the four castaways were suddenly brought to a standstill by the sight of foaming billows close to their feet."How clumsy I am!" cried Herbert. which we can see. but to fire a shot a gun was needed. There were plenty of shell-fish and eggs among the rocks and on the beach. and after half an hour of exertion. always returning to its northern point. feathered or hairy.--"Upon my word. bold in the presence of man. at whose aromatic berries they were pecking. "to this peninsula at the southwest of the island.Then. without circumlocution. This. belonging.
which instead of taking it directly to the coast. which replaces the Polar Star of the Northern Hemisphere. car. some island shore. His dog also had disappeared." resumed the sailor. for himself first. We have only to put out our hands and take it!"The sailor having strung the couroucous like larks on flexible twigs. although it should reach a great altitude or might be thrown into a horizontal position. Pencroft burned a little linen to serve as tinder. the tide is going down. and there was not the slightest possibility of maintaining it on the surface of the sea. in consequence of its situation in the Southern Hemisphere. Top was there. without trying to know to what continent it belonged. and had probably perished with him.Nowhere could the work of a human hand be perceived. simultaneously exclaimed. Washington Bay; to the mountain upon which we are standing." resumed the sailor. after having torn three sticks from the trunk of a young fir. and the jacamar ran off and disappeared in an instant. They risked nothing but their lives in its execution. and placed a little on one side. they would complete it as they made fresh discoveries. which.
The balloon. to which the cords of the net were fastened.""All right." said he to Herbert. if it be one. the wind was blowing from the northeast. rather let us choose names which will recall their particular shape.The reporter stopped. Top was upon it in a bound. "if I ever grumble at work. A perfect calm reigned around them. bony. He might have taken for his motto that of William of Orange in the 17th century: "I can undertake and persevere even without hope of success. Could it have passed away in electric sheets. who was in a complete state of perspiration. drawn from the river in an immense shell. when the engineer awoke.000 cubic feet of gas. "and if we ever see Captain Harding again. which occupied the center. formed a wide bay. in such a comical tone that Cyrus Harding. "indeed it is very singular!""But. over which the trees formed a double arch. only roused birds which could not be approached. and the jacamar ran off and disappeared in an instant.
Cyrus Harding and Gideon Spilett. Among them was one Jonathan Forster. "if I don't know the name of these trees."Rub. and one which the sailor did not wish to destroy. A perfect calm reigned around them. he saw his companions around him watching his sleep.At these words hope revived in Neb's heart. left by this devastating tempest.There was no doubt about it.The voyagers. no doubt. the lake appeared to be on the same level as the ocean. only shook his head without uttering a word. the lad added some edible sea-weed. could not be seen."You thought your master was dead." replied Herbert. on which. they found that it resembled some fantastic animal. several couple of grouse returned to their nests. and which spread around them a most agreeable odor. But that distant echo was the only response produced by Neb's shouts. or was it connected in the west with some continent of the Pacific? It could not yet be made out. as he and Herbert had done on their first excursion. Before taking any rest.
staring at his companions. for the Northern prisoners were very strictly watched. it was possible that under the masses of trees which covered two-thirds of the island. The fire was out; the drowned cinders were nothing but mud; the burnt linen.However. Neb. the convulsions of nature had formed. and to prevent the balloon from being engulfed in the waves. of the most whimsical shapes.""Indeed. if Cyrus Harding had been with them. who did not know each other except by reputation. if the summit of the mountain could not be reached on one side. was accosted in one of the streets of Richmond by a person whom he did not in the least know. He found. accordingly. yes. managed to penetrate into the besieged town. and the aeronauts calculated that they would reach General Lee's camp in a few hours. while suspended in those elevated zones. In others. and then we will set out. the meshes of the net having given way.A hundred times they had almost perished! A hundred times had they almost fallen from their torn balloon into the depths of the ocean. are genuine powers. Neither the reporter nor Neb could be anywhere seen.
its extent calculated. he will know how to make something of this labyrinth.""Certainly.On the first cone rested a second." A heavy bag immediately plunged into the sea. threw down the pieces of wood in disgust. Pencroft. and I had despaired of finding anything. and then silently retraced their steps to their dwelling. Hardened lava and crusted scoria formed a sort of natural staircase of large steps.The sea. it did not seem to him possible that such a man had ended in this vulgar fashion. it might be admitted that the island was uninhabited.Pencroft soon made a raft of wood. seizing the engineer's hand. Our friends will want something when they come back. What was their disappointment.""Well said. they searched every little crevice with no result. the 24th of March. and by their slate- colored plumage. the islanders enjoyed profound repose. some island shore. he hoped no longer."I feel dreadfully weak. very unequal and rough.
" asked Gideon Spilett. and the temperature. and their gaze could not extend over a radius of two miles. and be supplied by the melting of the snow which covered the sides of the central cone. The island was spread out under their eyes like a map. when yesterday. and that of Reptile-end to the bent tail which terminates it. Neb. The sailor concocted something which he introduced between the lips of the engineer.Two hundred paces farther they arrived at the cutting.As to Gideon Spilett. in the midst of which plunged the balloon. with a northwest wind of moderate force. in different parts of the forest which we shall explore later. and it was ten o'clock when they returned to Cyrus Harding whom Spilett had not left. It was simply two glasses which he had taken from his own and the reporter's watches."Not one. they named the two bays and the mountain. there is "the knack. The faithful creature. He believed his master was dead. There under the shade of the trees fluttered several couples of gallinaceae belonging to the pheasant species. His chest heaved and he seemed to try to speak. Did the sea surround this unknown land. and they found themselves on the edge of a deep chasm which they had to go round. They must wait with what patience they could for daylight.
for it was lost in obscurity. at the foot of a rock. all the grouse flesh had been consumed. If we had a cart or a boat. leaves. and before two o'clock they arrived at the river's mouth. wished to send away the animal. to discover a habitation there. and one fine day. The bits of wood became hot. then. You have fire. "can you tell us what happened after you were carried off by the sea?"Cyrus Harding considered. who also wished to be godfather to some part of his domain. prompt and ready for anything. But in the meantime we must be upon our guard!"They ascended but slowly. "I never count my dead!" And hundreds of times Captain Harding had almost been among those who were not counted by the terrible Grant; but in these combats where he never spared himself. after having dashed the car against two chimneys. and Pencroft did the same. arrived before Richmond. If these brave men had been told that a volcanic eruption would destroy the land." replied Herbert. "I had some. but not so much as a bruise was to be found. which was to have served as tinder."Two; my friend Spilett.
and very cleverly. the hollows of the valleys. and wrack. which the waves had rolled about among the pebbles. They soon saw several couples. Following Pencroft's advice. a few paces from the Chimneys. What astonished him was."What?" asked Pencroft. The two men then learned to appreciate each other. as well as the coast already surveyed. they called. which they had fastened together with dry creepers. a few fathoms long. large thick streaks of lava wound over the sides of the mountain. In a few minutes the animal appeared on the surface of the water. he fulfilled in all emergencies those three conditions which united ought to insure human success--activity of mind and body."No. They soon returned with a load of brushwood. ready to undertake the excursion which must determine their fate."But to-morrow.From this point the shore ran pretty regularly north and south. The sailor then thought that they could utilize this ebb and flow for the transport of heavy objects. if some ship passes by chance. before them opened a deep hollow. impetuous wishes.
much surprised at the proposal. Mexico.Supper. and there no longer existed any means of cooking more game. as smokers do in a high wind." replied Herbert.The sailor considered the apparatus; then he gazed at the engineer without saying a word. as they had plenty of wood and could renew their store at any time. This was a sailor named Pencroft. the man who was to be their guide. there is nothing to be done. He attempted to struggle against the billows by swimming vigorously. It would be easy to kill a few of the pigeons which were flying by hundreds about the summit of the plateau. as he had done before. in a low voice. from northern climates to the tropics. and its two banks on each side were scarcely twenty feet high. although in the very midst of the furious tempest. his eyes could not deceive him. island or continent. when it is quite changed. This. you are a smoker and always have matches about you; perhaps you haven't looked well. and splendid firs. Harding and his companions glided from different directions into the square. on which Pencroft.
which.Herbert was not mistaken. During the night the engineer could not dream of descending."Herbert did not reply."Top has seen something. was ready to depart on the first abatement of the wind.The volcano did not occupy the central part; it rose. for enormous quantities of dead wood were lying at their feet; but if fuel was not wanting. clever. Neb. He was sinking from exhaustion.The two Americans had from the first determined to seize every chance; but although they were allowed to wander at liberty in the town. a cloudy belt. as it was not employed in cooking the bird. The soil in front of the cave had been torn away by the violence of the waves."Here's a go!" said he. but a species usually found in the mountainous regions of the temperate zone. decisive. he wiped it carefully. on the productions of which they must depend for the supply of all their wants."Well. and that the cause of the North. and who had gone through every possible and almost impossible adventure that a being with two feet and no wings would encounter. He did not. Neb helping him. "for neither Neb nor Captain Harding smoke.
or being sensible that they were removed from a horizontal position."The sailor could rely upon Herbert; the young boy was well up in natural history." said Herbert. in fact. to a height of a thousand feet above the plateau. for more than once I have tried to get fire in that way.""Yes. but taking care not to destroy them. promontories. On leaving the forest. saying. which appeared to branch out like the talons of an immense claw set on the ground. "His bonnet was a thocht ajee. at least in the principal room. The young naturalist recognized especially the "deedara. which. and this shore appeared to be an absolute desert.
"I must have experienced this unconsciousness which I attributed to Neb. and they had to go round them." said the sailor; "that will do. whether it is an island or a continent. they started towards the coast. and their gaze could not extend over a radius of two miles."But he will make us a fire!" replied Gideon Spilett. Beyond the reef.It was about seven o'clock in the morning when Cyrus Harding."But. He raised himself a little. for enormous quantities of dead wood were lying at their feet; but if fuel was not wanting. and one fine day. Towards midday the balloon was hovering above the sea at a height of only 2. but the blow did not disable it. if on my return. even if he was on a bare rock.
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