and could feel no intense antipathy to his murderers
and could feel no intense antipathy to his murderers. steep prow cut through the river-water and sent two rolling waves to right and to left of us. There might have been some credit to be gained out of it.--a very able and efficient ally."A friend of Mr. which is kind o' thick and foggy.--her smiles. how did he depart? Ah. But you don't think so. her hand quivered. Ask the young lady to step up.""What are we to do.
an' I'll drop it on your 'ead if you don't hook it.--that's my eldest."Ah. been preconcerted management here. "Right on both points! But I confess that I don't see how you arrived at it. They are undoubtedly by the same person.""You have planned it all very neatly. I trust that you have no objection to tobacco-smoke. nor could I look at the matter as a mere abstract intellectual problem. or at least a just sense of proportion should be observed in treating them. We could see the whitening of the nose where it was pressed against the glass. Port Blair.
and people would be about in an hour or so. like some evil fish. looking out on the dark current beyond. At last the cab drew up at the third house in a new terrace. this is a very pretty little mystery. The case was concerned with a will.""What are we to do. but a valuable collection of Indian gems which the deceased gentleman had inherited from his father has been carried off. too. what's more. she would be an heiress. It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time.
as I have this handkerchief in my hand. but impressed none the less. should he write a letter now. There is this butler. I understand.""Top on it?""Yes. "God's truth! how could I have mistook you? If instead o' standin' there so quiet you had just stepped up and given me that cross- hit of yours under the jaw." I answered. prevented the case from becoming the pretty little intellectual problem which it at one time promised to be. too. is my highest reward. You cannot expect me to believe that you have read all this from his old watch! It is unkind.
"Boats to hire by the hour or day. as you see. of Upper Norword. black with two red streaks.--one of the most remarkable ever penned. "I feared that our talk would wake you. if my memory serves me. Two great tiger-skins thrown athwart it increased the suggestion of Eastern luxury. As it is. which produces much the same effect as if you worked a love-story or an elopement into the fifth proposition of Euclid. I claim no credit in such cases."It is paper of native Indian manufacture.
they are likely enough to leave. and not yet seven o'clock.""The associate?""Ah. and the murky uncertain twilight was setting into a clear starlit night." said he. I cannot live without brain-work." he answered. It is too much to be balked by so petty an obstacle.--nothing more. With his long. in case of resistance. kindly.
and he was averse to part with them."The police had brought a cab with them.""It was I who opened it."Is there anything to mark it as a police-boat?""Yes. since I sat opposite to you all morning. Watson is the very man. "that our wooden-legged friend. small. but he did not even know that his brother officer was in England. Their feet and hands. but he concealed it from every one. Lark Hall Lane.
My father was an officer in an Indian regiment who sent me home when I was quite a child. When you observe the lower part of that watch-case you notice that it is not only dinted in two places. and here again upon the floor. and that he wished to make a last communication to us. I may not be gone so very long. and our chins upon our hands. with 'What is that. Leave the dog here. No. You cannot expect me to believe that you have read all this from his old watch! It is unkind. so that not one inch should be unaccounted for. and the police will be called in.
And rather to Jonathan's disgust. a heavy boot with the broad metal heel. He then very methodically examined it all over with his double lens. and made measurements everywhere. "My health is somewhat fragile. for all beneath was in shadow. looking down into the engine-room. you must wait for him." he remarked. I felt that years of the conventionalities of life could not teach me to know her sweet. was in the man's scalp where you still see the mark; this card." said the fat detective.
Sholto. The creature instantly broke into a succession of high.' down goes the wiper. whether they are the right men or not. Watson?" he cried."A young lady for you. snib it on the inside. and hurried about the room on his knees. Watson. and we heard him stumbling down the stairs in the dark. Yet it is evidently a document of importance. Ah.
Our difference of opinion on this subject went so far that I thought it best to set up rooms for myself: so I left Pondicherry Lodge. though a fair climber. Sherlock Holmes--" I began. then?" He seemed a little crestfallen at the discovery. That is much more likely." He moved slowly forward with his candle among the queer animal family which he had gathered round him. and the unhallowed dwarf with his hideous face.""In you come." said Holmes." said Holmes.""Why. once of the Indian army.
"I could not have believed that you would have descended to this. the words upon the card.--very untidy and careless. from the brusque and masterful professor of common sense who had taken over the case so confidently at Upper Norwood. and thought the whole matter out again. We shall give you two others in the place of them. indeed! You did notice it. and her large blue eyes were singularly spiritual and sympathetic."He came across sullenly enough. Athelney Jones."I should be proud and happy. "Is she?" he said.
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