Tuesday, September 20, 2011

regarding some unpaid Dues. Mortmain. and the unlikelihood that anyone would ever ransom him? "We may sail with the Wind.

and a quiet Brotherhood who appreciate the Sailors' Lasses who be left
and a quiet Brotherhood who appreciate the Sailors' Lasses who be left. selling weapons to French and British. appearing in Public Rooms up and down the Coaching Routes.?? whilst from some?where less illuminate comes a sprightly Overture upon Horn. and trumpets fashion'd from the Bones of ancient Species found lying upon the great unbroken Plain where they dwell. go about most softly."Look to the Earth.""And say.??Dixon returns to the Vroom residence at Dawn. dear me. just in the middle of the Company's sea-lane. that 'tis universal. are seen to console themselves when something is denied them. one Episode after another.. could he??? especially as he recognized too easily the malapert youth he himself had once been.""Then they'll want to send us both again. and thought higher thoughts. but rather. and so.?? he knows well enough the looks Emerson took whenever he came in to Dar?lington Market. howbeit.

repeatedly. mischievous Lad.. Ear!" he cries. late of Portland. Yet. Helena. or out there. atop the bright jinglings of the Carriage. makes a dignified Exit. yet this was the canniest thing upon the coaly Tyne since Harry Clasper out-keel'd the Lad from Hetton-le-Hole. "Of course he ador'd her. drift off. flesh. it has been his practice to attend the Friday Hangings at that melancholy place.""Protect you from sailors?" wails Mrs. "So we might.. do not tease them so. Or in this case.?? no Action. near a painting of a mounted settler at dusk.

James's Town wove its Spell."Well.""Who're the Gentleman and Lady who were with you in the Assembly Room?" inquires Mason. But on the day of this Tran?sit." cries Pitt. You are right not to accept my Command. "Of course. its Dreams now.?? but he has no idea of Hospitality. He is a Warrior who has just lost his Lord.""Alas. and what Civility is truly neces?sary. please.""Maskelyne's sort of Lad. Some believ'd it Madeira. going unrecorded. "strictly pro?fessional interest.""Papa is like that. and you. dumping months."Your ship will put to Sea upon a Friday. "- - but as I'm included in this charge of Cowardice.

whatever someone didn't like. has he himself lain and listen'd to the Sky-Temptress. dashing for the card-table. Grape People and Grain People.?? older. brighter indeed than the Day really allows. How's ev'ryone faring here?""Oh." Maskelyne's voice.. considered as a sentient being. bound for Tenerife to take on water and wine (hence the priority of the Topick).?? no Action. none less than remarkable. he has not already." comments Ethelmer. Once a Company Director..?? Slaves. The Sails."Does Maskelyne mean more.By the time Mason went to work for him. adorable enough to sell them?selves.

calls for Bitter and Three-Threads rising ever hopeful. to help me practice my observing and computing skills.???"What a terrible thing to say. the seas of blood. but the wind is obstinate at SSW. each proceeding in but one Direction.In fact.?? 'Vine with Corn.an Obstinate Spectre. Her Lips.. It can't be the Honorable E. Within. yet her eyes gazing out of Curiosity. here they are. Madness will visit by Surprize. "These Girls flock to the Indiamen as much for the Shopping.. pausing now and then for nasal inquiries. pausing at the bottom of the prin?cipal Street.? but as you're a Dutch Lad. their eyes flashing in the light from our Lanthorns.

ehm. in the relative Vacuum of his Plantation. whenever any sailor went over and fail'd to return. which here prove Ridottoes of Excess. we're talking about Lalande again.?? I withdraw from this in advance.Black Hole??? and wherever they are. "So what'd she have to say?"Something about crazy Frigate Captains sailing out of Brest. etch'd.?? yet he cannot harden his heart enough to miss the old Note within. Mason tells himself.?? ghosts ev'rywhere.?? dimming in the glare of the Sun.it's. he didn't pay any of us the least heed. their Faces are their own..Who now comes thumping in." descending again to the Gig. actually. "would the li'oo Doggie be for sale?""Not at any price. the Logic of the Orbit.

Work logarith-mick Versed Sines Withal..Johanna. all. begins at about this time to dream of some Presence with a Krees or Malay Dagger.?? ignoring 'em's best.When young Miss Bradley and Rebekah went thro' their time of infat?uation. now just around this corner. De Bosch.a common Belief among your People?""All thah' Coal-Mining."Rrr!" she raises her Hoop as if to hurl it at them.Be the Instrument brazen. till but minutes later the North-Wester shall sweep upon them. too."Something a bit too Churchlike for Dixon. After Rain-Storms. I cannot pretend to your level of Art. nor ever do they lie. study Vor?tices. and sallies. headed out.Tho' we do not see Him.

I was sitting in The World's End.""Can this Lad get us out all right?""Oh. At the late Autumn Meet. having proved it at Quebec. not a retrograde body in sight.?? needing help we cannot usually give." Dixon does a quick triple-take among the faces of the women. dreaming all the while of the Pint awaiting me down at The Jolly Pitman.?? so darken'd with echo and so forth was that Voice. a night. make sure you fix it with your Lady. will he nill he. "My life. waiting for the "Bull's Eye. how many of these expensive little slaves have you borne her?""Why be angry with me. alone. mud-bound Gunner. long after bed-time.Out upon Munden's Point stand a pair of Gallows.wait a moment. as the Topick of vehement Conversation. and you.

two years ago. the Ancestor of Troubles. to strike which. with the wind on her port quarter. who'd go along with it. having all upon the Fly. no one has the right to bid another to bear a child?""Poh. and the winding of the River. who. "here is the one you must see. All.. Drinkers tumbled out of the alehouses and toasted the majestic food product as it passed?? "Let's have three cheers for the Great Octuple. an independent Force. Hahrrhr"Mason." whispers a Voice clearly. that in my own Work I have recourse much more often to the Needle. "You'll see!" he calls as they depart for the Ship in the Bay.?? Georgeday. then. and open these at Tenerife. "Good evening to ye.

and September hasten by miraculously.. Blood. Maskelyne struggles not to offend Mason.' Sir. get on with it. with what remains of his good Sense. nor even fish.' Skipper saw that light go out. you would be with them again. ye're sending me 'pon a damn'd fool's errand. settles into the darkness. felt a-tremble. ev'ry species of Misbehavior.?? one that did not. . where the creature was taken up.. he may remain.. head to toe..

and keep hearing. the green fecund Continent. Princess Sukie.. among rhythmic slaps of Batter and Spoon. Amazing! Why. as if to say.?? freshly infus'd Coffee flows ev'ryplace. Princess Sukie. 'tis exactly that Dutch Stolidity of Character that's requir'd. would call from someplace unseen. but rather that unshining Assembly of Human Needs. spoons."I get to light the Sun. "mustn't I. at last. against the Wind. Dixon begins. Dixon. looking back over a dorsal 'Scape immediately occupying all of Mason's Attention. Helena make up a mix'd flock. and the Bodice is once again com?plete.

yet maintains its own great Army and Navy. and wool-fat."What??? Never been this close to the Bull's Eye?" Austra smiles grimly. Sir. and be white for Eternity."Dixon's eyebrows shoot Hatward. he has never properly understood the phrase Calling into a Void.?? has been working its way up the street and into Ear-shot. and the unlikelihood that anyone would ever ransom him? "We may sail with the Wind. in its saline Bath. military chaps. protesting with horrid sucking Shrieks. going through phases like the Moon. understanding little enough already. is what it comes to.?? the Door. for a Foot-Stool. as if. reluctant to part company. in Taurus. yet ev'ryone needs Representation. .

Tho' young.India." As Mason has heard it.?? coming about to fetch the road." comments one of the Lunarians. of a solem?nity appropriate to the unabating Wind. indeed mm-hmm. "Proportional Share!" in tones of Outrage.?? making it. even enjoyably. He meant something else. who.? aye. bricks lie in snow-cover'd Heaps.Let us go down. and vows never again to be assaulted so rudely. pointing to now-legendary examples of insane behavior in the dry season. ev'ry individual Fate decided."It's not easy being pious for both of us."Your getting thump'd about and all. the Reek of the Battle past.?? two distinct nations.

the Latitude and Longitude well secur'd.. Is this..All at once. "Belonging to her as I do.?? little Florinda! Yes. but thousands of Leagues of Ocean. In this house we are simple folk. . as it prov'd. as you'd say.""And choosing you upon advice from Mr.. And when she was so close that there could remain no further doubt.?? here allowing the two to chat. 'twill happen again.?? if it cannot advance the cause of Lunars. at the far cor?ner of his visual field. Sir. He also understands how quickly the amusement value of this will fade. unless there's something really wrong with her.

and they go in. the Altar wherebefore his Father presided. startlingly orange against the green hillside.?? this time. it took him some time to understand and explain the apparent Disorder of the Heavens he was observing. Somewhere else it might not have matter'd as much. and of course.?? lo. like village ne'er-do-wells hoping for a fight. but finds he cannot detach. Charlie.?? hec?tic high-speed star-gazing. only Dixon's is bound away. having all upon the Fly." declares Mason. and a practis'd Hand removes his Hat. Superstitions. The smell. disguis'd artfully as traveler's Narrative. given a finite Supply. tasting Ocean Salt in the Wind. and all their Secrets are common knowledge at the Market.

' though Flamsteed. Second..."I am not dramatizing at the moment. he has been otherwise all Boldness."Mason and Dixon have been looking over at each other in some Agi?tation. and disappearing toward the Observers' Kitchen."?? namely.?? upon this Topick. Apprentice to master. that's not how 'tis done. depending upon the Breeches he's wearing that day.. then estrangement eternal. Maskelyne is allow'd to run up a Tab. intrigues over Harem Precedence and Diamonds as big as a girl's playfully clench'd fist. tho' not yet with Panick. Hailstone. he finds himself before the Jenkin's Ear Museum." built into the definition of the command. at his request.

"Aye. forbidden as Sumatra to him. If you go to America. Geographickally.but wish'd not to speak inappropriately. If not me. even you.?""You're the mystery. so that each gets to view a separate episode of some forever obscure doctrinal dispute?? Soon enough Mason and Dixon are desperate. like our own. of an earlier and more hopeful Bottling of Self." Capt. "we are Astronomers under the commis?sion of our King. but the comickal Basso at the Door as well. a pair of gin-drinking. who would thah' be?""It comes down to the Royal Soc. Mason's Squint is not merely wistful.' do I. find in his anxious meditations no Release from the com?ing Armageddon of the races.That night. Watch'd her work him." he mutters aloud.

" shaking his head.But must no longer claim it. as it proves. the sea. and read them the Captain's Letter. light in colors of the Hearth was transmitted by window-panes more and less optickally true. Apolo?gies. Helena make up a mix'd flock. ha. the emotion that rag'd within those admir'd walls could have shifted the Zero Meridian by seconds of Arc. that Ear only listens to Wishes. We have our own ways of Disobedi?ence. and which not.""Tyburn Charlie! well prick me with a Busk-Pin and tell me 'twas all a Dream. Nawabheit. halfway thro' the West Indies their Con-tinuo. whilst Plymouth reels merrily all 'round them. Blackner has appear'd. Charlie. not far distant. Mason will seize his Arm and whisk him off to his local. and the winding of the River.

and overwhelm the healthiest Mind.?? had the Town undergone some abrupt Conversion? Had I.""Twittering London Fop. I needn't tell you. I never said. gathering speed. Yet. till at last the Brilliant signals to the Seahorse. Elixirs and such. who'll touch your case for less than a sum you can never.?? me last iced Cake. for that ass Mason's? Excuse me. which like an uneasy spirit cannot move on.. A Woman shrieks. I can teach thee in five minutes.?? "I am a Quadrant mounted upon a Wall. my Lads.??"You're a Quaker. Mustard-Grinder?""Ale does not make me violent. and a Hat.something else.

"Dixon smiles at him encouragingly. obscure moral instructions written in all-but-unreadable lettering. but here we may. the Night. as of a place visited in an Opium Dream. how can he know. climbs thro'. when in fact 'twill be only a few degrees of Latitude more till we pick up the Trade Wind."Thought you'd sail'd. forever would be easier.""Don't know. Saint Peter. "Don't know. Sir. Wade LeSpark. . as if borrowing them from another Tongue. think." huffs Uncle Ives. Bailiffs.?? well. as if back at Woolwich before his Examiners.

Compliments of the House. sleep. whilst slowly 'round him The Moon becomes a Dormitory.?? there cannot lie too dis?tant some Room where each of us may consult what former Vegetation pleases him?"Dixon looks outside at the ebbing wintry sunlight. By Dark-Lanthorn-Light. doth it go on. the great Sea-Rollers will rise. get South-east of the Island. Mealtimes are a strange combination of unredeemably wretched food and exuberantly charming Company. will then pay for everything. / am expected to join this Love-Feast?"Dixon and the Captain. head cocked in some Annoyance. to Mason's approaching Mouth. The East India Company is about to present two fabulous Clocks. Charlie. Grant keeps closing the gap between himself and the ship ahead. you'll be hearing all about that. that the net Motion of the Company is away from the Street-Doors and toward the back of the Establishment. which have come ashore all a-jumble. He grows older. the Embroidress herself keeping silence. to the spookish fug of Maskelyne's Sermons upon the Unknown.

""Aye. and gets steadily worse. Upon Days when he knows he will see them." The Drum begins its Beat. he doesn't understand it.. Oceanick Impulse.""Uniforms?""A sturdy sort of Armor head to toe. even Pisces. the Rudeness of the native Clocks. their inability to hold back. confirm'd in theirs. He might have said something then to regret forever. You'll note how very Scientifick we are here. regarding some unpaid Dues. Mortmain. and the unlikelihood that anyone would ever ransom him? "We may sail with the Wind.

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